The grand theme of God's love and Christ's passion is clearly expressed in this video. The verse that tells Peter to put away his sword is a powerful message to our generation. I have shared this video a number of times at youth conferences. God always touches my heart when I view Hope To Carry On. Thanks to my friends at Life Center Church in Spokane,WA. for producing this classic video. Not only enjoy this music video but be transformed by its message.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Israel and Biblical Prophecy

Israel is God's prophetic time clock. Jesus can return for his church at any time, but his direct work of judgment and rulership as King of Israel has at least 9 specific prophetic markers.
1. The regathering of Israel to Jerusalem after being scattered around the world. Deut.28:63-67; Ezekiel 36:22-24.
2. Israel will be a political burden to the world. Zechariah 12:1-3.
3. Russian-Islamic alliance will invade Israel. Ezekiel 38-39.
4. There will be a dramatic increase in natural disasters. Matthew 24:6-8.
5. Israel will sign a peace treaty with the world's last and most powerful dictator. 2Thess. 2:1-8.
6. A new Jewish worship temple will be constructed. 2Thess.2:4.
7. The peace treaty is broken by desecrating the temple.
8. The final holocaust, the Battle of Armageddon. Rev.16:9-16; Joel 3:2,13; Zech.12:2-11.
9. King Jesus returns as Judge of the nations and Savior of Israel. Matt.25:31-46; Rev.19.
Markers 4 through 8 will occur during a 7 year period called the tribulation or the time of Jacob's trouble. I believe the church will be raptured before those events but I would never cause division because of that view. What should unify Christians is the reality of the return of Jesus Christ to earth and His victory over war, death and sorrow. The Prince of Peace is right on time!
Monday, July 10, 2006
10 Reasons for Commitment to a Local Church

Recently,a woman shared with me that she was disallusioned with organized religion. She had been deeply hurt by a spiritually abusive pastor. She said that walking in a park gave her greater spiritual fulfillment than the church. We live in times of great stress and it seems that there are more cases of pastoral abuse, neglect and greed than ever before.
Jesus said that he would "build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it". The writer of the book of Hebrews declares, "Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do . . ." God called us individually to Himself, but he called us into a community of faith to learn to care for one another.
1. We need biblical instruction from humble and gifted teachers and preachers.
2. We need to encourage one another to live a Christ honoring life.
3. We need to partake together in the Lord's Table to remember his suffering for us.
4. We need to unite in prayer for one another and for the needs of all people.
5. We need each others help to grow in love and in good ministries.
6. We need to remind each other that Jesus could return at any moment.
7. We need to remember that some Christians are hurting the church but not participating and using their spiritual gifts.
8. We need to remember that worshipping together, we are the body of Christ.
9. We need to beware that Satan wants to scatter the flock, when we are alone we are easy prey.
10. We need a church in the middle of the village to build a healthy community.
Don't allow unhealthy pastors and immature believers keep you from effective, fulfilling ministry in a local church.
Biblical Texts: Matt.16:18;18:17; Acts 2:42-47;20:28; Col.1:24;Heb.10:23-25.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
10 Personal Questions for Spiritual Health

1. Do I give prayer a priority in my life?
2. Do I invest time in quiet reflection and solitude?
3. Do I control my eating, sleeping and exercise patterns?
4. Do I control my sexual expressions appropriately?
5. Do I invest time in daily biblical readings?
6. Do I have a person who is a spiritual mentor?
7. Do I have a community of faith that I meet with regularly?
8. Do I have a practical involvement in the cause of social justice?
9. Do I laugh and play with family and friends?
10. Do I have a proper stewardship of my time, talents and treasures?
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