We are beginning this fall a 12 part series studying the book of 1Thessalonians. These young Christians did not receive the Gospel with just "lip service" but with full conviction and power from the Holy Spirit. They could not be judged as superficial or phony. Their experience was so genuine that they turned to the One True God from idols.
There were a number of temples of worship in that Greek urban center. It was a culture of religious pluralism. The gods and goddesses they had worshipped have an eerie similarity to our lower natures cravings and passions. Here is a sample of their worship centers:
1)The Temple of Dionysus-the primary attraction was wine,intoxication,crossdressing,sensuality,rebellion and the theater. This god, also known as Bacchus, was frequently portrayed as wearing a feminine hairstyle and attire and viewed as effeminate, yet a sexually potent male. He had many lovers of both genders including Achilles, Adonis and Hermaphroditus who resembles a pre-operative transsexual.
2)The Temple of Isis-the primary attraction was magic and sorcery. Drugs could create a euphoria where dreams and prophecy could be interpreted. She was the female creator. The source of life and the queen of heaven. Isis ruled over nature and provided transforming power, giving life to the dead. Their worship was sensual and considered pornographic even by the pagan Emperor Augustus.
3)The Temple of Caesar-the primary attraction was that by giving honor and praise to the Roman Emperor, people would have peace, prosperity, health and wealth. The god-man Caesar is the political power who can meet human needs.
4)The Temples of Sport-the primary attraction was the worship of the human body and athletic heros.The gymnansium and colosseum were filled with fanatical worshippers.
5)The Temple of Cabirus-the patron god of the Thessalonicans who was a martyred hero, murdered by his two brothers and buried in royal power. He was expected to return and care for the poor and oppressed. Some scholars feel that this is why the message of Jesus was so widely accepted.
Our culture worships at the feet of the gods of pleasure, greed, power and sport. We are so easily seduced by these natural passions. May we realize that our greatest pleasure is found in loving and serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.