Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Return of Christ

The Return of Jesus Christ to earth is the culminating event of human history. For critics and scoffers of biblical history, fulfilled prophecy will stand as a credible witness against their arrogance. Respected scholar, J. Barton Payne lists 1817 prophecies in the Bible. He lists 191 specific prophecies concerning the first advent of Jesus the Messiah and Savior. Jesus Christ literally fulfilled all of these predictions.

The Bible contains many references concerning the second coming of Christ. It is mentioned 380 times in the New Testament alone. Twenty-three out of the twenty-seven New Testament books speak of this glorious event. Since all of the prophecies concerning Christ's first coming were precisely fulfilled, why would any thinking person question Christ's return?

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Las Vegas has been called "Sin City" for many years. Currently people refer to it as Disneyland for Adults. Growing up on the central coast of California, we would refer to north of us as Sodom and to the south Gomorrah. Temptation to experiment with taboo pleasures is part of our nature. We are coninually subject to it's glossy lure.

In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray saying," . . .lead me not into temptation". Temptation is not a sin. It is yielding to it's immoral pleasures that produce sin and death. On the flip side, the cup of suffering and persecution is often used by the "tempter"(Satan) to discourage us and question the integrity of our faith.

The Progression of Compromise

Passive attitude towards God's direction
Influenced by natural feelings rather than God's Word
Natural curiosity and fantasies toward things considered taboo

Actively seeks out people and situations to satisfy curiosity
Begin to question the authority of God's Word
Experiment with the taboo pleasures

Focus on sensual feelings that bring instant gratification
Guilt feelings awaken because of violated conscience
Confession and attempts to get back to God

Frustration over strong sensual drives and feelings
Justify immorality by rationalizing God's Word to mean something different
Argue and become defensive about new life style.

This progression is given in general terms in Psalm 1.

How To Overcome Temptation

1. Memorize key portions of God's Word in specific areas of temptation

2. Remember that God's commands are for your protection and provision

3. Forbidden pleasures always end in despair and death

4. Avoid tempting situations, pray for discernment

5. Actively pursue church related service opportunities