Monday, December 18, 2006
Danger in the Manger
In the book of Revelation, the declaration is thundered in heaven, "Look, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the heir to David's throne, has won the victory. The statesman-prophet Isaiah declared 800 years earlier, "For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government and its peace will never end. He will rule the fairnes and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate committment of the Lord of Heaven's Armies will make this happen."
Are you sure you understand who this babe in Bethlehem really is? The Lion and the Lamb who will rule heaven and earth with justice and truth. The Danger in the Manger is nearer than you think. Wake up, His Kingdom will come and His will be done.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
An Attitude of Gratitude
"Although the time and date of the first American thanksgiving observance may be uncertain, there is no question but that this treasured custom derives from our Judeo-Christian heritage. 'Unto Thee, O God, do we give thanks,' the Psalmist sang, praising God not only for the 'wondrous works' of His Creation, but for loving guidance and deliverance from dangers . . .Let us thank God for our families, friends and neighbors, and for the joy of this very festival we celebrate in His name." President Ronald Reagan 1985
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The Return of Christ
The Return of Jesus Christ to earth is the culminating event of human history. For critics and scoffers of biblical history, fulfilled prophecy will stand as a credible witness against their arrogance. Respected scholar, J. Barton Payne lists 1817 prophecies in the Bible. He lists 191 specific prophecies concerning the first advent of Jesus the Messiah and Savior. Jesus Christ literally fulfilled all of these predictions.
The Bible contains many references concerning the second coming of Christ. It is mentioned 380 times in the New Testament alone. Twenty-three out of the twenty-seven New Testament books speak of this glorious event. Since all of the prophecies concerning Christ's first coming were precisely fulfilled, why would any thinking person question Christ's return?
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Las Vegas has been called "Sin City" for many years. Currently people refer to it as Disneyland for Adults. Growing up on the central coast of California, we would refer to north of us as Sodom and to the south Gomorrah. Temptation to experiment with taboo pleasures is part of our nature. We are coninually subject to it's glossy lure.
In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray saying," . . .lead me not into temptation". Temptation is not a sin. It is yielding to it's immoral pleasures that produce sin and death. On the flip side, the cup of suffering and persecution is often used by the "tempter"(Satan) to discourage us and question the integrity of our faith.
The Progression of Compromise
Passive attitude towards God's direction
Influenced by natural feelings rather than God's Word
Natural curiosity and fantasies toward things considered taboo
Actively seeks out people and situations to satisfy curiosity
Begin to question the authority of God's Word
Experiment with the taboo pleasures
Focus on sensual feelings that bring instant gratification
Guilt feelings awaken because of violated conscience
Confession and attempts to get back to God
Frustration over strong sensual drives and feelings
Justify immorality by rationalizing God's Word to mean something different
Argue and become defensive about new life style.
This progression is given in general terms in Psalm 1.
How To Overcome Temptation
1. Memorize key portions of God's Word in specific areas of temptation
2. Remember that God's commands are for your protection and provision
3. Forbidden pleasures always end in despair and death
4. Avoid tempting situations, pray for discernment
5. Actively pursue church related service opportunities
Monday, September 25, 2006
A person can endure almost anything as long as they have hope, as long as they can believe there may come a change for the better. They can put up with privation; they can stand sever hardship; they can accept harsh confinement; they can live with discomfort; they can be patient through long illness.
Hope looks for the good in people instead of harping on the worst.
Hope opens doors where despair closes them.
Hope discovers what can be done instead of grumbling about what cannot happen.
Hope draws its power from a deep trust in God and His innate goodness toward humankind.
Hope regards problems, small or large, as opportunities.
Hope cherishes no illusions, nor does it yield to cynicism.
Hope sets big goals and is not frustrated by repeated difficulties or setbacks.
Hope pushes ahead when it would be easy to quit.
Hope puts up with modest gains, realizing that "the longest journey starts with one step."
Hope accepts misunderstandings as the price for serving the greater good of others.
Hope "lights a candle" instead of "cursing the darkness."
Author Unknown
Monday, September 18, 2006
What's So Great About The Bible
1. It Answers The Ultimate Questions
In The Bible we find the answers to life's ultimate questions: Where did I come from? Why am I here? What is the purpose of my existence? One-third of the earth’s population has received its claims.
2. It's A Literary Miracle
The Bible contains 66 books, written by some 40 authors over a time span of 1600 years. It was written originally in 3 languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. It was written in many countries under varying circumstances yet is one perfect unit, telling us one complete story. It is the most criticized, scrutinized and attacked book ever written. But it has withstood all the tests and is still by far the world’s best-seller.
3. Its Number Of Manuscripts And Their Accuracy
The Bible stands alone in the number of ancient manuscripts and in their accuracy with each other. For example, the New Testament has over 24,000 ancient copies, some dating back to within 30 years of the original. By comparison, the writings of Plato has 7 copies with the earliest being 1200 years after the original document.
4. Its Fulfilled Prophecy
The Bible is the only book with detailed prophecies about people, cities, nations, Israel in particular, and the first and second coming of the Messiah. History has revealed their perfect fulfillment so far. For example, the Old Testament gives us over 190 specific prophecies concerning the first coming of Jesus Christ. He fulfilled every prophecy concerning his first sacrificial coming. The mathematical Law of Probability of just 8 of the specific prophecies being fulfilled is almost beyond computation.
5. Its Accuracy in Archaeology and History
Dr. Nelson Glueck, the renowned Jewish archaeologist, wrote: “It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference.” Famous archaeologist William F. Albright said, “There can be no doubt that archaeology has confirmed the substantial historicity of the Old Testament tradition.”
6. Its Accuracy in Science
Whenever The Bible touches on confirmed scientific facts it is complimentary. For example, life is in the blood (Gen.9:4; Lev.17:11), the earth is a sphere (Isa.40:22), the northern black hole and the earth hanging on nothing (Job 26:7), sound waves between the stars (Job 38:7; Psa.135:7), the hydrological cycle and evaporation (Job 36:27-28; Psa.135:7), the circulation of the atmosphere (Ecc.1:6; Rev.7:1).
7. Its Power in Peoples Lives
The philosopher and atheist Bertrand Russell on his deathbed was quoted as saying, “ . . . get me the only book”. Voltaire, the French atheist boasted, “One hundred years and there will be no Bible on earth”. Two hundred years later, his book sold on the Paris newsstand for eleven cents. The same day, Britain paid Russia $500,000 for an ancient Biblical manuscript. Fifty years later, Voltaire’s home became a Bible distribution center.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Spiritual Abuse
As we continue to study 1Thessalonians we learned in chapter 1 how to measure the maturity of a local church. In chapter 2 verses 1-12 we learn the motives and manners of godly leaders. This is contrasted by leaders in spiritual authority who abuse. Just as we confront physical, emotional and sexual abuse in our culture, we need to be discerning about those who are in places of spiritual authority.
1. Pure vs. Impure Motives v.1-3
Godly leaders are willing to endure great suffering and opposition to declare the Gospel of grace. Impure leaders will normally run from intense conflict and blame others in the process.
2. Suffering vs. "Success" v.2
A godly leader will teach that unjust suffering is a normal part of the Christian experience. God's grace is revealed through our weakness. Leaders with impure motives will avoid that subject in preferance to a health, wealth and prosperity gospel. They also gain power from preaching a theology of salvation by good works.
3. God Pleasers vs. People Abusers v.4-6
The motivation in godly leaders is to please God rather than pacify people. They realize that the message of the cross is offensive to many and foolishness to others. Leaders with impure motives will manipulate people in four specific ways:
a. By cleaver speech
b. By phony friendships
c. By financial pressure tactics
d. By popularity polls (It's all about me)
4. Protection vs. Abandonment v.7-12
Godly leaders will demonstrate family care. They will be gentle like a baby. They will nurture like a mother. They will encourage like a father. In contrast, abusive spiritual leaders will serve themselves, motivated by financial gain and then leave the "family" to find new victims.
5. Kingdom vs. Empire v.12
God has called us to share in His Kingdom not to build personal empires. Spiritually abusive leaders will always draw attention to themselves by promoting their ministry over the finished work of Christ. They will eventually show that they are pursuing financial gain (a love of money). They will utalize smooth and cleaver sermons to manipulate and deceive those who are spiritually immature. They will be judgmental and legalistic to those who question their authority. If this kind of abuse is experienced in a local church or the media, expose and confront it.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Idol Worship
We are beginning this fall a 12 part series studying the book of 1Thessalonians. These young Christians did not receive the Gospel with just "lip service" but with full conviction and power from the Holy Spirit. They could not be judged as superficial or phony. Their experience was so genuine that they turned to the One True God from idols.
There were a number of temples of worship in that Greek urban center. It was a culture of religious pluralism. The gods and goddesses they had worshipped have an eerie similarity to our lower natures cravings and passions. Here is a sample of their worship centers:
1)The Temple of Dionysus-the primary attraction was wine,intoxication,crossdressing,sensuality,rebellion and the theater. This god, also known as Bacchus, was frequently portrayed as wearing a feminine hairstyle and attire and viewed as effeminate, yet a sexually potent male. He had many lovers of both genders including Achilles, Adonis and Hermaphroditus who resembles a pre-operative transsexual.
2)The Temple of Isis-the primary attraction was magic and sorcery. Drugs could create a euphoria where dreams and prophecy could be interpreted. She was the female creator. The source of life and the queen of heaven. Isis ruled over nature and provided transforming power, giving life to the dead. Their worship was sensual and considered pornographic even by the pagan Emperor Augustus.
3)The Temple of Caesar-the primary attraction was that by giving honor and praise to the Roman Emperor, people would have peace, prosperity, health and wealth. The god-man Caesar is the political power who can meet human needs.
4)The Temples of Sport-the primary attraction was the worship of the human body and athletic heros.The gymnansium and colosseum were filled with fanatical worshippers.
5)The Temple of Cabirus-the patron god of the Thessalonicans who was a martyred hero, murdered by his two brothers and buried in royal power. He was expected to return and care for the poor and oppressed. Some scholars feel that this is why the message of Jesus was so widely accepted.
Our culture worships at the feet of the gods of pleasure, greed, power and sport. We are so easily seduced by these natural passions. May we realize that our greatest pleasure is found in loving and serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
My Favorite Music Video
The grand theme of God's love and Christ's passion is clearly expressed in this video. The verse that tells Peter to put away his sword is a powerful message to our generation. I have shared this video a number of times at youth conferences. God always touches my heart when I view Hope To Carry On. Thanks to my friends at Life Center Church in Spokane,WA. for producing this classic video. Not only enjoy this music video but be transformed by its message.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Israel and Biblical Prophecy
Israel is God's prophetic time clock. Jesus can return for his church at any time, but his direct work of judgment and rulership as King of Israel has at least 9 specific prophetic markers.
1. The regathering of Israel to Jerusalem after being scattered around the world. Deut.28:63-67; Ezekiel 36:22-24.
2. Israel will be a political burden to the world. Zechariah 12:1-3.
3. Russian-Islamic alliance will invade Israel. Ezekiel 38-39.
4. There will be a dramatic increase in natural disasters. Matthew 24:6-8.
5. Israel will sign a peace treaty with the world's last and most powerful dictator. 2Thess. 2:1-8.
6. A new Jewish worship temple will be constructed. 2Thess.2:4.
7. The peace treaty is broken by desecrating the temple.
8. The final holocaust, the Battle of Armageddon. Rev.16:9-16; Joel 3:2,13; Zech.12:2-11.
9. King Jesus returns as Judge of the nations and Savior of Israel. Matt.25:31-46; Rev.19.
Markers 4 through 8 will occur during a 7 year period called the tribulation or the time of Jacob's trouble. I believe the church will be raptured before those events but I would never cause division because of that view. What should unify Christians is the reality of the return of Jesus Christ to earth and His victory over war, death and sorrow. The Prince of Peace is right on time!
Monday, July 10, 2006
10 Reasons for Commitment to a Local Church
Recently,a woman shared with me that she was disallusioned with organized religion. She had been deeply hurt by a spiritually abusive pastor. She said that walking in a park gave her greater spiritual fulfillment than the church. We live in times of great stress and it seems that there are more cases of pastoral abuse, neglect and greed than ever before.
Jesus said that he would "build His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it". The writer of the book of Hebrews declares, "Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do . . ." God called us individually to Himself, but he called us into a community of faith to learn to care for one another.
1. We need biblical instruction from humble and gifted teachers and preachers.
2. We need to encourage one another to live a Christ honoring life.
3. We need to partake together in the Lord's Table to remember his suffering for us.
4. We need to unite in prayer for one another and for the needs of all people.
5. We need each others help to grow in love and in good ministries.
6. We need to remind each other that Jesus could return at any moment.
7. We need to remember that some Christians are hurting the church but not participating and using their spiritual gifts.
8. We need to remember that worshipping together, we are the body of Christ.
9. We need to beware that Satan wants to scatter the flock, when we are alone we are easy prey.
10. We need a church in the middle of the village to build a healthy community.
Don't allow unhealthy pastors and immature believers keep you from effective, fulfilling ministry in a local church.
Biblical Texts: Matt.16:18;18:17; Acts 2:42-47;20:28; Col.1:24;Heb.10:23-25.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
10 Personal Questions for Spiritual Health
1. Do I give prayer a priority in my life?
2. Do I invest time in quiet reflection and solitude?
3. Do I control my eating, sleeping and exercise patterns?
4. Do I control my sexual expressions appropriately?
5. Do I invest time in daily biblical readings?
6. Do I have a person who is a spiritual mentor?
7. Do I have a community of faith that I meet with regularly?
8. Do I have a practical involvement in the cause of social justice?
9. Do I laugh and play with family and friends?
10. Do I have a proper stewardship of my time, talents and treasures?
Thursday, June 22, 2006
A Christian Response to Suffering
One of the toughest questions that critics of Christianity ask is: "How can a good God allow so much pain and suffering in our world?" At memorial services through the years I have shared the following:
1. Suffering is an intrusion into God's universe. The original creation was a garden paradise. There was health and peace between all species. Man and woman lived in harmony with God and a perfect creation.
2. Most suffering that we experience is due to ignorance, stupidity or choices we have made. Other peoples actions, either deliberate or unintentional, has brought havoic into our world.
3. Jesus dedicated Himself to relieve suffering and pain. He fed the hungry, healed the sick, comforted the brokenhearted, freed those in bondage to addiction and brought hope to those that mourn.
4. Jesus taught that there is something far worse than physical or psychological suffering. Eternal separation from God is a far greater loss than any "hell" on earth.
5. Jesus experienced pain, suffering and loss that was totally undeserved. He became the perfect atoning sacrifice for the evils in our world.
6. God will one day put an end to all pain and suffering. He is patiently waiting for people to respond to His grace before they submit unwillingly to His justice. This world as we know it will pass away, but a new heaven and earth will reveal the glory and perfection of God.
7. We experience suffering and death for: a. evil- in self, others and past generations. b. discipline- to test and mature us. c. righteousness- as we identify with the sufferings of Christ and witness to others the glory of God.
Monday, June 19, 2006
3 Classifications of People
The Biblical Text: 1Corinthians 1-3
All people who have not heard or received Jesus as Lord are identified as natural. This includes religious and well as secular thinking individuals. Specifically, those who hear the preaching of the cross of Christ and consider it foolishiness are classified as natural thinkers. Everyone born into this world begin their journey as natural people. We have a natural inablity to comprehend the deeper plan of God because we are without his Spirit. We do have the capacity to live by some of the moral principles taught in the Bible but cannot fulfill its deeper meaning. This is not to judge us but simply to clarify that this is the fact of life.
The person who has received Christ's sacrifice on the cross for their sins but continue to live by their natural abilities rather than by the power of God's indwelling Spirit. These people are classified as "carnal" or "fleshly" because they have not developed and matured in walking with the Spirit. This is why the church has divisions, envy, strife and hypocracy. Worldy Christians are classified as "babies" and cannot understand the deeper spiritual life. They are the problem that becomes a stumbling block to many natural people.
There are many people who are not Christians who are seen as spiritual. But the Biblical test for spirituality clearly defines these people as those who have surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Spiritual people daily walk or live in the power of the Holy Spirit. They live beyond their circumstances. They are filled the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control. They live on a "supernatural" level that honors God. This is the life that God intends for all people to experience. Spiritual Christians are the answer to the worlds needs and unfullfilled expectations.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
9 Dead End Roads
The Observations and Experiences of Solomon
There seems to be so many roads that lead to truth and life. So many worldviews both secular and religious that offer us reality. Yet Jesus said that there are really only two roads. One is a wide open highway with many lanes, but it leads to hell. The other is a narrow path that leads to life eternal.
In 1965 the Rolling Stones sang the number one rock song, Satisfaction. But they could not get any satisfaction. They tried this and that but they found themselves on a losing streak. Years later the heavy metal band called Poison sang another popular ballad asking the haunting question, Show me Something to Believe In?.
God showed Job, a righteous man, that he was a sinner. God showed Solomon, a wise man, that he was a fool. He was looking for love and truth outside the counsel of God. Ecclesiastes is the autobiography of King Solomon when he walked away from God. He explored every desire and appetite that people choose, but all the roads of inquiry ended in vanity and emptiness.
Solomon experienced nine philosophical roads hundreds of years before the great eastern thinker Confucius and the early Greek philosophers Socrates and Aristotle. According to 1 Kings 4, Solomon lectured in the disciplines of zoology, biology and other physical sciences long before they were developed by modern civilization.
Here are the nine roads he explored:
1. Scientism- the belief that scientific method will discover all truth.
2. Philosophy- the belief that human wisdom will discover all truth.
3. Hedonism- the belief that human pleasure will discover all truth.
4. Existentialism- the belief that present-tense experiences is reality.
5. Fatalism- the belief that all events are pre-determined so why seek truth?
6. Egoism- the belief that self-interest is the primary value in life.
7. Religion- the belief that self-effort will bring us to God and enlightenment.
8. Materialism- the belief that material possessions is the primary value in life.
9. Morality- the belief that ethical values based on human standards is truth.
The results of the journey:
All attempts to find ultimate happiness and fulfillment are only fleeting at best. It is an exercise in futility. The futility of life should lead us to seek happiness and fulfillment in God alone. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life".
Thursday, June 01, 2006
7 Scientific Problems with Macro-Evolution
A. Macro-Evolution = The complete process of change by random spontaneous generation of simple life (single cell) to the complexity of every form of life we observe. (Inconsistent with scientific and Biblical facts).
B. Micro-Evolution = The adaptations, mutations, hybridization and other changes within a species or kind. (Consistent with scientific and Biblical facts).
1. The results of the Scientific Method – from observation and experience prove that spontaneous generation doesn’t happen. In the 1800’s the experiments of Pasture, Spellinzoni, Reddy and others showed that life must come from life. Dr. George Wall a Nobel Prize recipient in Biology from Harvard confirms those experiments by commenting that these scientists clearly disproved spontaneous generation. Also, it is important to note that the most common form of dating (C14) becomes highly subjective and speculative after 5,000 – 7,000 years.
2. The Statistical Probability – of life from non-living matter, generating by chance after 20 billion years, is a position of extreme faith. Sir Fredrick Hoyle states that the probability is about the same as “a tornado tearing through a junkyard and creating a 747”.
3. The Fossil Record – shows billions of highly complex forms of life suddenly appearing in the Cambrian strata. The Pre-Cambrian strata is virtually void of life. Those fossils that are observed probably filtered down from the Cambrian strata according to Dr. Dwane Gish professor of Natural Science. The fossil record is also void of transitional forms that are necessary for naturalistic evolution.
4. The Mutations – which are necessary for evolution has never “succeeded in producing even 1 new species by the accumulations of micro-mutations”, according to Dr. Goldschmidt professor at U.C. Berkeley. Most mutations are harmful causing sterility or death. All mutations in history have only produced minor changes. Transmutations (mega), which are critical in the evolutionary process, have never been observed.
5. The Laws of Physics – contradict the theory of macro-evolution. Dr. Henry Morris stated that “things left to themselves always tend to go from complex to simple, from organized to disorganized”. The implications of the laws contend that the universe had a beginning and is in the process of running down.
6. The Evidence of Intelligence and Design – rejects the whole concept of random, chance spontaneous generation. Dr. N. W. Pirie of the Rothamstead Experimental Station says “complicated molecules such as proteins do not, in our scientific experience, arise spontaneously, even by stages.” The DNA, RNA, PROTEINS, RIBOSOMES are like highly complex computer chips. The earth is an exotic rarity in our universe and its revolution around the sun is accurate and smooth, 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 48 seconds. Design reveals a master designer!
7. The Evidence of Molecular Biology – actually opposes evolution according to professor James Coppedge. In his book Evolution: Possible or Impossible @ 1973 he reveals data that molecular structures do not form naturally and spontaneously, but if they do exist, they spontaneously disintegrate.
Mindanao Medical Team
As a pastor, one of my great joys is to encourage people to take a short term missions trip to a "third world" location. A few months ago I participated on a medical team with friends Scott Roberts, Craig Copeland and Steve Shaw. We were hosted by Patrick and Shari Bailey in Mindanao. We were blessed to offer prayers, healing and hope to various tribal groups. These beautiful people extended love and grace to us and the experience will be continued in eternity.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Recent Sermons
Here are the links to some of the more recent sermons:
Tribute to Grace San Luis Obispo
The Early Years
I have the unique and honored privilege of being raised under the loving protection of the Grace Church family. My parents were role-models of Christ-centered values. As infants, my sister Lynne and I were brought to the front of the church to be dedicated. Founding Pastor Leroy Persson officiated at our dedication and as teenagers at our baptism. The formative years of Christian education was defined by colorful personalities. I remember vividly the creative flannel graph bible stories of Glee Cooper. She prayed with me to receive Jesus as my Savior and friend. The 4th-5th grade Sunday school class with teacher Ken Pharis was anticipated with eagerness. He would read "The Adventures of the Sugar Creek Gang" and have our complete undivided attention. Teacher Harry Paulson helped me memorize and respect the Word of God. Elmer and Florence Mc Lennon helped define my Jr. High years. He made the piano do things that had us cheering. Our high school advisor, Roberta Ryan was the picture of "quiet grace" and was our confidential counselor. Hume Lake and Lopez Conference Grounds were the "holy places" for spiritual renewal. Grace Church will forever be connected with those two locations where thousands of youth experienced God.
Wedding Bells
Grace Church is where I met, fell in love and married Dorothy Marie Harris. Grace youth ministry attracted students not only from SLO High but Mission Prep, Morro Bay High, Atascadero High and in my case, a group from Arroyo High School. One of the great dynamics of Grace's youth ministry was the spiritual and social connection with other area schools. Worshipping with student-athletes who would also be rivals on other days of the week helped teens see the bigger picture of God's Kingdom. I met Dorothy through the high school ministry. We both dedicated our lives to Christ at Hume Lake High School Camp. Grace would sponsor and offer camperships to students so that the Hume experience would be available to the youth community. A group of 6 or 7 of us from Grace would later attend Dallas Bible College together in large part because of our Youth Pastor David Woodworth. I believe he was the second "full-time" staff position at Grace in youth ministry. One of those students was Rich Bullock who would later have a long and accomplished ministry with Youth For Christ.When I reflect on my 15 years on the Pastoral Staff, my wife Dorothy must be highly honored. She was responsible for most of the detail planning, food preparation, female discipleship and general hospitality for the ministry. Our two children Craig and Carrie were dedicated in the Sanctuary at Grace and both raise up and call her blessed.
Sr. High Director of Outreach
After completing college I was asked by Pastor Johnny Boswell to develop the ministry to high school students. I would assist the Youth Director Chuck Girton. Our first outreach was an alternative to the tricks of Halloween. High school advisor Bonnie Miller had secured a ranch property with a large barn. We planned for about 35 students. On the night of the event almost 100 teens converged at the church. My first outreach and with a major obstacle to overcome. How would we transport these students? I huddled with my adult advisors and made a crazy decision. We allowed the seniors with cars to drive with the underclass mates. I gave very strict instructions concerning the caravan and obeying all traffic laws. I will never forget driving out Johnson Avenue past General Hospital with student drivers weaving in and out of lanes with windows down and bodies sticking out in conversation with other vehicles. I thought my ministry would end before it started! One of my key student leaders that night was Gary Peterson who would later become a respected missionary trainer with Wycliffe Bible Translators. The night ended with invitations to receive Christ and new believers were loved into the Kingdom.
Sons of Thunder
Later the church commissioned and licensed me as a minister of the gospel. As the Minister of Youth many gifted students were discipled and launched in ministry. A number of godly adults came alongside to disciple students. Dr. Michael Wilkins, Dean of Faculty, Talbot School of Theology was instrumental in bringing seminary classes to the Grace campus. Among the gifted students there were two brothers I affectionately called the "sons of thunder". Mark and Matthew Perry were glued to my side during their teen years. Mark has established at least three churches and authored at least two discipleship books. He is currently pastoring in the Arroyo Grande area. Matt has been a faithful pastor to God's flock and currently ministering in the mid-west. Men such as these have greatly advanced the legacy of effective youth ministry at Grace.
Panic in the Pulpit
A few years in my tenure at Grace I faced my "moment of truth". As I was preaching on Sunday morning on live radio with a packed Sanctuary I experienced a panic attack - a complete emotional breakdown. Thank God that Grace had godly elders who know how to respond in crises situations. Dr. Leon Maksoudian stepped up to the pulpit and calmed a concerned congregation and radio audience. He has been a servant-leader who demands our highest respect. That day I learned that God does not need me but I desperately need Him. I began to experience what it means to be "poor in spirit". God can only use people who have a broken and contrite heart.
Lasting Fruit
Almost monthly I receive information on former Grace students who have a long ministry of integrity. Former college students Dan and Nancy Pryor are some 20 years into a ministry to inner-city peoples. Pastor Rich and Lynette Fisher continue in Atascadero building our Fathers Kingdom. Pastor Mike and Julie Kauffold have faithfully served in Montana at a Southern Baptist Church. The doors are open to "whosover will may come". Many others could be listed including Pastors Ken McDuff in Bakersfield and Paul Robie in Utah. Last week I received a note from Jenni (Waller) Ramsey who received Christ at Grace. She is the Director of Missions at New Harvest in Irvine, CA. Pastor Leroy was given a vision and a verse that continues to be fulfilled to this day. God has opened a door that no man can shut.
Reflections of High School Years
Reflections on College Ministry
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