A. Macro-Evolution = The complete process of change by random spontaneous generation of simple life (single cell) to the complexity of every form of life we observe. (Inconsistent with scientific and Biblical facts).
B. Micro-Evolution = The adaptations, mutations, hybridization and other changes within a species or kind. (Consistent with scientific and Biblical facts).
1. The results of the Scientific Method – from observation and experience prove that spontaneous generation doesn’t happen. In the 1800’s the experiments of Pasture, Spellinzoni, Reddy and others showed that life must come from life. Dr. George Wall a Nobel Prize recipient in Biology from Harvard confirms those experiments by commenting that these scientists clearly disproved spontaneous generation. Also, it is important to note that the most common form of dating (C14) becomes highly subjective and speculative after 5,000 – 7,000 years.
2. The Statistical Probability – of life from non-living matter, generating by chance after 20 billion years, is a position of extreme faith. Sir Fredrick Hoyle states that the probability is about the same as “a tornado tearing through a junkyard and creating a 747”.
3. The Fossil Record – shows billions of highly complex forms of life suddenly appearing in the Cambrian strata. The Pre-Cambrian strata is virtually void of life. Those fossils that are observed probably filtered down from the Cambrian strata according to Dr. Dwane Gish professor of Natural Science. The fossil record is also void of transitional forms that are necessary for naturalistic evolution.
4. The Mutations – which are necessary for evolution has never “succeeded in producing even 1 new species by the accumulations of micro-mutations”, according to Dr. Goldschmidt professor at U.C. Berkeley. Most mutations are harmful causing sterility or death. All mutations in history have only produced minor changes. Transmutations (mega), which are critical in the evolutionary process, have never been observed.
5. The Laws of Physics – contradict the theory of macro-evolution. Dr. Henry Morris stated that “things left to themselves always tend to go from complex to simple, from organized to disorganized”. The implications of the laws contend that the universe had a beginning and is in the process of running down.
6. The Evidence of Intelligence and Design – rejects the whole concept of random, chance spontaneous generation. Dr. N. W. Pirie of the Rothamstead Experimental Station says “complicated molecules such as proteins do not, in our scientific experience, arise spontaneously, even by stages.” The DNA, RNA, PROTEINS, RIBOSOMES are like highly complex computer chips. The earth is an exotic rarity in our universe and its revolution around the sun is accurate and smooth, 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 48 seconds. Design reveals a master designer!
7. The Evidence of Molecular Biology – actually opposes evolution according to professor James Coppedge. In his book Evolution: Possible or Impossible @ 1973 he reveals data that molecular structures do not form naturally and spontaneously, but if they do exist, they spontaneously disintegrate.