One of the toughest questions that critics of Christianity ask is: "How can a good God allow so much pain and suffering in our world?" At memorial services through the years I have shared the following:
1. Suffering is an intrusion into God's universe. The original creation was a garden paradise. There was health and peace between all species. Man and woman lived in harmony with God and a perfect creation.
2. Most suffering that we experience is due to ignorance, stupidity or choices we have made. Other peoples actions, either deliberate or unintentional, has brought havoic into our world.
3. Jesus dedicated Himself to relieve suffering and pain. He fed the hungry, healed the sick, comforted the brokenhearted, freed those in bondage to addiction and brought hope to those that mourn.
4. Jesus taught that there is something far worse than physical or psychological suffering. Eternal separation from God is a far greater loss than any "hell" on earth.
5. Jesus experienced pain, suffering and loss that was totally undeserved. He became the perfect atoning sacrifice for the evils in our world.
6. God will one day put an end to all pain and suffering. He is patiently waiting for people to respond to His grace before they submit unwillingly to His justice. This world as we know it will pass away, but a new heaven and earth will reveal the glory and perfection of God.
7. We experience suffering and death for: a. evil- in self, others and past generations. b. discipline- to test and mature us. c. righteousness- as we identify with the sufferings of Christ and witness to others the glory of God.