My son,son-in-law and grandson enjoyed this Caribbean beach together. We were nicknamed the Busby Boys due to our haircuts. This surfing family reunion in the warm translucent sea was good therapy. Our family enjoying a dinner together on the beach builds great memories of love and care. King Solomon said over 2,000 years ago that "I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God. For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from Him? God gives wisdom, knowledge and joy to those who please him."
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Family Reunions
My son,son-in-law and grandson enjoyed this Caribbean beach together. We were nicknamed the Busby Boys due to our haircuts. This surfing family reunion in the warm translucent sea was good therapy. Our family enjoying a dinner together on the beach builds great memories of love and care. King Solomon said over 2,000 years ago that "I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God. For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from Him? God gives wisdom, knowledge and joy to those who please him."
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
On a fairly cyclical basis, we enounter wild fires in California. This last season we experienced the devistating loss of over two thousand homes and other structures. We are aware of over 12 people who have died as a result. This reminds us of the fleeding world of possessions and personal glory. The Bible describes God as a "consuming fire" (Heb.12:29) His fire judges unrightous motives and behavior and purifies righteous motives and behavior. None of us will escape that fire.
This picture was taken in my neighborhood. My house is located in the center.

The University of Norte Dame is one of the most beautiful campuses I have seen. There was a sense of serenity in the midst of all the hype surrounding a sports rivalry. In the world of spiritual warfare, we can experience the serenity of being in the center of God's will as we face the opposition to truth and love. The deeper lesson of grace, humility and peace should be our goal.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I have been a long-time fan of USC football. I root for my team even when they are struggling. But it becomes very discouraging when I observe highly gifted athletes play without discipline, determination and devotion. Arrogance is a self-centered pride that will always end in failure. Humility is power under control and always looks for ways to support and lift-up teammates. Unified purpose will develop into a power that will defeat opposition. It works in football, the home and the church. God lifts up the humble but He resists the proud.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Grandchildren and Angels
Recently my wife took a picture of me with our daughter, her husband and our two grandchildren. Living in Orange County, we enjoy Angel baseball. These pictures captured the thoughts of Solomon who wrote almost 3,000 years ago, "Grandchildren are the crowing glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children" (Proverbs 17:6).
7 Wonders of Our World
We have studied The 7 Wonders of The World, but this insightful little girl is keenly aware of the real wonders of life. For those who do not possess all these natural senses, be assured that those in Christ will someday experience all these wonders and much, much more.(cf. Rev. 21-22)
Edit Me. . .
Edit Me. . .
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Christianity vs. Churchianity

Someone has said, "It's not Christ who we reject, but Christians." It is true, some Christians are insensitive and self-centered . . . that is Churchianity!
Christianity focuses on spiritual authority
Churchianity focuses on social acceptance
Christianity focuses on internal heart purity
Churchianity focuses on external performance
Christianity focuses on personal relationships
Churchianity focuses on religious rituals
Christianity focuses on the blessed beatitudes
Churchianity focuses on beautiful buildings
Christianity focuses on the spirit of the law
Churchianity focuses on the letter of the law
Christianity focuses on being radical in commitment
Churchianity focuses on being respectable in the community
Christianity focuses on God's effort of grace to save people
Churchianity focuses on peoples efforts to earn God's favor
Christianity is an operation to remove the disease
Churchianity is a shot in the arm to ease the pain
Where are you?
Conflicting Worldviews

RELATIVISM is a worldview that reacts to the objective truth claims of science. This view is also called post-modernism. It projects the notion that there is no objective reality. This view implies that there is no absolute truth, value, reason or meaning to life. So the best thing to do is give up on trying to discover truth and meaning and live for happiness.
THEISM is a worldview that recognizes the existence of a personal God who created the universe in time and space. He is also the sustainer of our cosmos and the physical and moral laws of our world have a stated purpose. There is absolute truth and we live for a greater purpose than personal happiness. For the Christian, we live for the Kingdom of God and the glory of Christ. Philosopher J.P. Moreland says,"If you do that, you will not be so worried about periods of unhappiness and you will end up being happier than you would if you were preoccupied with happiness."

Monday, June 11, 2007
The Christian and War

This view holds that any participation in war is in violation of New Testament teaching. The theological premise is based on statements referring to Christians as being citizens of heaven. We are called pilgrims and ambassadors of heaven. Jesus said that we should not resist evil and love our enemies. This was the position of the early church and is held by various Christian denominations and groups to this day.
Bible students point to encounters with military people who were not told to become pacifists. John the Baptist told soldiers to not be guilty of extortion, false accusations and to be content with their military wages. Jesus praised the Roman Centurion for his great faith. Peter commended the Centurion Cornelius for his faith in Christ. Paul appealed to the government for justice and protection. It must be noted that Jews were exempt from military service by Roman law. It was not a position of pacifism but the issue of loyality to Caesar. Christians were considered a sect of Judiasm.
This position is held by Christians who believe the Scriptures teach that we have a responsiblity to the state. They believe that there is a separation between church and state. But they need to be positive models by preforming non-combatant roles. Their theology focus is on grace that destroys the law of retribution. Christians are to be separate from the world of greed and power. Christians can participate in war as doctors, nurses, chaplains, mechanics, office administration and various non-aggressive service roles.
This position is based in the New Testament assertion that government is given by God to resist and punish evil. Christians are under both grace and governmental law. Jesus said to render to Caesar what is his and render to God what is His. All military action is to be limited to secure peace and justice. Vengeance and aggression are to be denied by the "rules of engagement." Fair and humane treatment of POWs and respect for civilian populations are high priorities.
We now have weapons of mass destruction. We cannot control the "collateral damage" factor. Jesus told Peter to put away his sword. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Have all diplomatic resources been exhausted? Can victory be assured? A just war must be seen as the last resort for a lasting peace.
This view sees war as a righteous crusade is expel evil before it can spread. The Christian is to obey godly government and "bear the sword". Using Old Testament illustrations from history, the best defense is a good offense. If the Kingdom of God is to come to earth then evil and injustice must be confronted quickly and destroyed.
There are two hats the Christian must recognize. One is the helmet of government responsibility and action. The military and police are given by God to punish evil, execute evildoers and protect society. They are called ministers of God. (Romans 13:1-7) The other hat is the cap of personal responsibility and action. Christians are to obey and respect government, pay their taxes and pray for leaders. Christians that are forced to violate God's higher laws do have options. Some democratic countries allow for civil disobedience. Christians must take advantage of constitutional rights to vote and use the court system. If in a totalatarian government, flee the country or suffer injustice for the glory of God.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Environnmentally Christian

Christians should be the first to set the example concerning the care and protection of God's creation. Sadly, I was raised with a fundamentalist attitude that declared God's wrath on this planet and everything will be destroyed in a thermo-nuclear meltdown.(2Peter 3:8-12) If that statement is true and it is, why care about the abuse and neglect of the environment?
1. God created the physical universe and declared it to be good. Genesis 1-2
2. God placed man in a beautiful garden to cultivate and protect it. Gen. 2:15
3. God developed laws to protect overuse of the land. Leviticus 25:1-12
4. God declares that the sky, sea and land give testimony to his character. Psalm 19
5. God reminds us that the earth belongs to Him not us, we are to be caretakers. Psalm 24
6. God will judge all who misuse the land. Isaiah 5: 8-10
7. God actively provides nurture and care for his physical creation. Job 38: 25-28
8. God is painfully aware of every small sparrow that falls in death. Matthew 6:26
9. God is going to restore this fallen, cursed planet into perfection again. 2Peter 3:13
The God of the Bible is a loving, caring and just being who desires and demands purity from his creation. He will ultimately redeem the heavens, land, water, animals and those humans made in his image who honor him. We are called to reflect his revealed concerns. We must be reminded that his ultimate concern is for the souls of people. That is why Jesus came to his creation with redemption and hope.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The Face of Easter
The most unique and extreme message that this world will ever hear is that God came to earth in Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect, sinless life and willingly died a sacrificial death for our rebellion against a Holy God. But death could not contain him. He arose from the grave personally and literally. He was seen by hundreds of credible eye witnesses.
He offers eternal life to all who receive him. It is a free gift. Our good intentions or attempts to be good enough to find God's favor are insufficient. It is grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone. Hallelujah!
Our friends at Woodside Bible Church in Troy, Michigan have produced a powerful video that illustrates the Face of Easter. Thanks to artist Marc Eckel for his commitment of excellence. After watching this video go their website and say, "thanks" in an appropriate manner.
The only question that matters, "How did you respond to the light you were given?"
Artists Website
He offers eternal life to all who receive him. It is a free gift. Our good intentions or attempts to be good enough to find God's favor are insufficient. It is grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone. Hallelujah!
Our friends at Woodside Bible Church in Troy, Michigan have produced a powerful video that illustrates the Face of Easter. Thanks to artist Marc Eckel for his commitment of excellence. After watching this video go their website and say, "thanks" in an appropriate manner.
The only question that matters, "How did you respond to the light you were given?"
Artists Website
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Judgment Day Questions
The Bible speaks of at least eight distinct judgments. They include the judgment of the Cross (John 19:30), Discipline of Believers (1Corinthians 11:30-32), Works of Believers (2Corinthians 5:10), Self-judgment (1John 1:7-9), the Nations (Matthew 25:31-46), Israel (Ezekiel 20: 33-44), Angels (1Corinthians 6:3), and the White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15).
Christians will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ. He will reward Christians on how they lived. Their stewardship of time, talent and treasures will be evaluated. Their eternal life is secure by the grace of God but their lifestyle as believers will be tested. Some will suffer loss and others will be suprised with rewards. Those who were faithful in their stewardship will be given greater responsibilities in the eternal Kingdom.
Non-Christians will appear at the Great White Throne Judgment. All their deeds have been recorded. The primary question is, "what did they do with the light they were given?". They will be found guilty because they refused to come to the light of Christ. They chose the deceptive "lights" of self righteousness. They loved darkness rather than light. May that never be said of us.
Christians will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ. He will reward Christians on how they lived. Their stewardship of time, talent and treasures will be evaluated. Their eternal life is secure by the grace of God but their lifestyle as believers will be tested. Some will suffer loss and others will be suprised with rewards. Those who were faithful in their stewardship will be given greater responsibilities in the eternal Kingdom.
Non-Christians will appear at the Great White Throne Judgment. All their deeds have been recorded. The primary question is, "what did they do with the light they were given?". They will be found guilty because they refused to come to the light of Christ. They chose the deceptive "lights" of self righteousness. They loved darkness rather than light. May that never be said of us.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Amazing Grace

My wife and I grew up in a Christian fellowship called Grace Church. The theme verse of the church was "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that (faith) not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast." (Eph.2:8-9) God grants us the gift of faith, which is confidence in Him, confidence to believe, trust and worship. He also grants us His grace, a gift that is undeserved. He gives us heaven when we deserve hell, life rather than death. It has been said that mercy is not giving us what we deserve but grace is giving us what we don't deserve.
Recently, a group of friends went to see the movie, Amazing Grace. It was the story of William Wilberforce, a British member of the House of Commons, who worked for over 15 years to abolish the slave trade in England. He cofounded the Anti-Slavery Society after experiencing the grace of God in conversion to Christ. He was influenced by John Newton, a former slave ship Captain, who experienced the grace of God. He wrote the classic hymn and lived to right the wrongs he committed against human souls created in God's image. His first-hand testimony before Parliament regarding the evils of slavery was influencial in passing the law in 1807 to end the slave trade in England.
My wife and I just finished reading Philip Yancey's classic, What's So Amazing About Grace. We were convicted about the critical nature of God's grace. It is what separates Christianity from all other religions and cults. God's grace cannot be duplicated by human government, laws and organizations. It is God's grace that enables us to love our enemies, to bless those who persecute us and not take revenge. God's grace might be the most important theological word in our Bibles. God's grace will lead us home.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are commanded to be baptized in water. It is an act of obedience that identifies us in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The Great Commission is "to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I (Jesus) have commanded you." (Matt.28:19-20)
Peter made his appeal on the Day of Pentecost: "Repent and be baptized, everyone of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins." (Acts 2:38) Water is symbolic of cleansing. Baptism means death to the old sinful way of living. It means that we identify with the new resurrection life of Jesus. It means identification with His church, the body of Christ. It means that the embrace of God empowers us to love and serve others. It means that a new covenant (agreement) with God has been established. "Therefore, there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 8:1)
Have you invited Jesus to be your Lord and Savior? Have you followed him in water baptism?
Monday, February 12, 2007
I Can Only Imagine "Heaven"
One of the current popular worship songs trys to describe heaven. The Bible does give us a vivid picture of the glories of the Kingdom of Heaven. A place of perfection (Rev.21:27), feastings (Rev.19:9), singing (Rev.5:13) and eternal love (1John 4:16-18). But be warned, everyone will not go to heaven. Jesus spoke twice as much about the reality of hell as he did about heaven. All those who continue to depend on their own "goodness" or prefer selfish pleasure will be excluded from the glory of God.
Only someone who is perfect will enter heaven. That is why Jesus died on a cross. He is God's perfection being substituted for our imperfections. By placing our confidence in his sacrifice for our sins and seeking his forgiveness will we enter the kingdom of heaven. What separates Christianity from all the other religions of the world is that heaven is a free gift of God's grace and mercy. We are incapable of doing enough good deeds to become perfect. Unfortuntely, the great songwriter John Lennon was wrong. There is a heaven and a hell. Some will experience God's mercy and many will experience his justice. Seek God's grace and mercy.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Marriages of Magnificence
I have offiated at hundreds of marriages during my tenure as a pastor. Couples who share a common faith, who pray and read the Bible together have a great advantage for fulfillment. Financial responsibility and sexual fulfillment top the list of marital tensions. The Scriptures clearly address those isssues. Biblical principles give us insights on how to carefully listen to our spouse and communicate in a humble respectful manner. Praying together can be the great aphrodisiac. A built-in Counselor (Holy Spirit) promotes guidance and healing. Couples who worship together and serve in a local church have a powerful support system when the dark times come.
Why settle for expensive shallow substitutes masked in drugs, drinks and distractions?
Sanctity of Life

For a number of years I have served on a board that oversees health clinics. Our purpose is to support life for the unborn. We are also committed to demonstrate respect to the mother regardless of her decisions and offer counseling, housing, medical care and employment to those in need. We do reach out to the fathers and offer help when appropriate.
I submit a prayer that I offered at one of our events.
"Our God and Heavenly Father, we recognize you as Creator and sustainer of the universe. You made the things that we can see and the things we can't see. You formed us in our mother's womb. You watched as we were woven together in protected seclusion. Every day of our lives are recorded in you book.
We are gathered here to recognize, honor and respect the value you place on human life. Thank you for every individual at this gathering to celebrate life. Forgive us as a nation for rejecting your values and making laws in violation to your revealed will. Forgive and heal parents who have, out of fear or ignorance, made deadly choices. We recommit ourselves to speak out in defending the life of the unborn. We desire to invest in tangible ways to promote your moral standards.
Thank you for calling gifted people to the front lines. We are especially grateful for the courage, grace and vision of the founder of this ministry. We are thankful to the Chair of this board. Protect and bless their leadership.
Now Lord, give us a wonderful evening together around these tables as we are thankful for food and friendships. Through Jesus Christ our Lord we pray, Amen."
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