Thursday, September 06, 2007

Conflicting Worldviews

NATURALISM is a worldview that believes our world and universe is the product of evolutionary processes. The physical cosmos is all there is to reality. Scientific inquiry will lead us to all knowledge. There is no spiritual demension and no need for gods, angels, demons and the afterlife. There are no moral absolutes, no objective purpose to life and the Kingdom of God is silly or irrevelent. The physical science disciplines will eventually lead us to all factual knowledge. Objective truth is through the scientific methodology.

RELATIVISM is a worldview that reacts to the objective truth claims of science. This view is also called post-modernism. It projects the notion that there is no objective reality. This view implies that there is no absolute truth, value, reason or meaning to life. So the best thing to do is give up on trying to discover truth and meaning and live for happiness.

THEISM is a worldview that recognizes the existence of a personal God who created the universe in time and space. He is also the sustainer of our cosmos and the physical and moral laws of our world have a stated purpose. There is absolute truth and we live for a greater purpose than personal happiness. For the Christian, we live for the Kingdom of God and the glory of Christ. Philosopher J.P. Moreland says,"If you do that, you will not be so worried about periods of unhappiness and you will end up being happier than you would if you were preoccupied with happiness."